Año 7 - Edición semanal - ISSN 2422-7226

What is Alcoholics Anonymous AA and Narcotics Anonymous NA?

Information about membership characteristics does not seem to be available at this writing. Learn how the principle of anonymity can offer a path to recovery for someone with a drinking problem. If alcohol is causing problems in your life, Alcoholics Anonymous can help you get sober and stay sober. From what we do know, success at maintaining abstinence is fairly low, even according to the fellowship’s own data.

Third, and most significantly, AA is unique in its 12 traditions. Alcoholics Anonymous (or AA) began in 1935 by two men https://soberhome.net/ who had one unified goal. They wanted to help alcoholics give up alcohol and empower them to help others do the same.

While AA is traditionally reserved for alcoholics and NA for drug addicts, those lines have mostly been erased with both types of addicts going to both types of meetings. Whether it’s AA or NA, find a meeting that you’re comfortable attending and that you believe will help you progress. Those with multiple addictions should simply choose the 12-step meeting they’re most comfortable with. Any drug addict can get help in AA and any alcoholic can get help in NA – it’s all about what you think will work best for you.

  1. For many different reasons, people turn to these addicting substances without fully understanding the detrimental consequences they bring.
  2. Within two years, the movement spread to Europe and Australia; it has continued to grow since, becoming what is today a worldwide organization.
  3. It aims to provide a safe and supportive environment for people to share their experiences, struggles, and successes in dealing with alcoholism.
  4. The development and chronology of these organizations somewhat reflects specific substance use patterns in the US.

The 12-step recovery model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous more than seventy years ago is alive and growing in its adaptations for drug-dependent populations. Also note that the more recent establishment of drug-specific fellowships along with lower availability of meetings may also explain their smaller membership. The 12-step recovery model was developed in the US and has since permeated American culture and the service delivery system. Unlike other countries such as Australia and most of Western Europe, the US have adopted an abstinence-based response to drug dependence, making 12-step recovery an ideal recovery resource and aftercare modality. Narcotics Anonymous was founded (as AANA) in California in 1953; most founding members had recovered in AA.

This booklet was republished in 1966 as the NA White Book, and included the personal stories of many addicts (a format similar to that of the AA Big Book). That year a “Parent Service Board” (later renamed the World Service Board) was formed to ensure that NA stayed healthy and followed the 12 traditions. The NA program grew slowly in the 1960s, learning what was effective and what was not as relapse rates and friction between NA groups began to decrease. The 1970’s heralded a period of rapid growth for NA, perhaps coinciding with a social context in the US where drug use was becoming if not more socially acceptable at least more popular and celebrated in the pop culture of the times. In 1970, there were only 20 regular, weekly meetings nationwide.

What Are the Differences Between AA and NA?

You may gain new members every week, and some may not show up at all. One of the other criticisms of 12-step groups is that the drop out is quite high – estimated at around 40% in the first year. Mainstream treatment in Australia has a dropout rate of around 34%. We keep what we have only with vigilance, and just as freedom for the individual comes from the Twelve Steps, so freedom for the group springs from our traditions.

SMART Recovery and the 4-Point Program

However, there are some differences between these two groups too, and they include more than just the addict’s chosen substance. You can attend AA, NA, or any other meetings you’re comfortable with regardless if you’re an alcoholic or are addicted to other drugs. Though there’s small differences, both NA and AA use the 12-step program that will help any type of addiction.

At Reviving You Recovery, located in Menifee, California, provides a safe place for detox. We have the ability to detox individuals from all substances, including pregnant women. Our attention to detail within our treatment program, tailored with holistic approaches, allows our team to give each individual, true personalized care. AA primarily focuses on alcohol addiction, while NA is specifically designed for individuals recovering from narcotics addiction, which includes drugs like heroin, cocaine, and prescription narcotics. In the study sample, 12-Step participation was common and intensive after inpatient treatment but fell off over time. However, despite declining attendance, early posttreatment attendance, even in relatively small amounts, predicted long-term helpful outcomes.

How to Choose Between Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous

Continual participation is the key to the effectiveness of the program. If you or someone you know is suffering from a substance abuse problem and could benefit from treatment, whether it be inpatient, outpatient, or partial i drink every night am i an alcoholic hospitalization, contact us today. In AA, a focus is put on that higher power to help us with our addiction and recovery. With NA, it’s much more about looking within ourselves to find the strength to remain sober.

Making AA and NA Part of Treatment

After the pair helped another patient get sober the foundation of AA was set. The only way to keep from returning to active addiction is not to take that first drug. If you are like us you know that one is too many and a thousand never enough. We put great emphasis on this, for we know that when we use drugs in any form, or substitute one for another, we release our addiction all over again. We feel that our approach to the disease of addiction is completely realistic, for the therapeutic value of one addict helping another is without parallel. We feel that our way is practical, for one addict can best understand and help another addict.

Across recovery stages, individuals were 4.1 to 8.6 times more likely to achieve sustained abstinence by continuous 12-Step meeting attendance and involvement. As you can see, both programs have very similar premises, yet there are some subtle differences to consider as well. When trying to choose AA vs NA, you might find it more appealing to call upon the help of a Higher Power and focus on alcohol as being the main issue if you’re an alcoholic. Or, you might decide that you need to focus on your addiction (to alcohol or to another substance) as a whole and concentrate on yourself as an individual first. Either way, both AA and NA are excellent programs that were created to foster success for those who are struggling with addictions.

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